With support from us (Virtual Sales Team), The Britannia Inn, based at the centre of the Rushmills business park in Northampton has been installed with a community AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) which will be available all year round.
The state-of-the-art defibrillator, the Powerheart® G5, can be easily accessed by the public to provide potentially lifesaving treatment in the event of someone experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). The device is very simple to use and takes the user through the process step by step using its RescueCoach™ technology which provides clear, calm user paced prompts to give first-time responders the confidence to perform a rescue.
Several US studies document the effects of time to defibrillation on survival from cardiac arrest and the consensus is that minutes count. If a rescuer can provide defibrillation in the first minute, the victim’s chance of survival increases to more than 90%. However, each minute that passes will decrease the victim’s chance of survival by 7–10% if no defibrillation is provided.
Andrew Smart, Managing Director of Virtual Sales Team said:
“We’re currently working on a project with one of our clients who is the manufacturer of Powerheart® G5. Our job is to identify potential host sites and promote the opportunity to sponsor defibrillator in community spaces. This could be at a pub like the Britannia Inn or any type of public place.
We decided that the best way to get the project started was to lead by example and sponsor our own community defibrillator. The new machine is located right in the centre of the Rushmills business area, very close to our own offices and will and will be available 24/7 should anyone be unfortunate enough to find themselves a victim of sudden cardiac arrest.
Supporting this project is a great way to simultaneously serve the local community and promote your business. If you or anyone you know would like to be involved please contact us on – 0800 085 5574. There are various options available, for example, one defibrillator can be sponsored by up to four businesses.
These machines can save lives. The potential impact is enormous. It’s because of this that we’re delighted to be supporting the project.”