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welcome to vst 👋🏻
Virtual Sales Team – trusted by businesses since 2007 📈
contact us 0800 085 5574 📞
welcome to vst 👋🏻
Virtual Sales Team – trusted by businesses since 2007 📈
contact us 0800 085 5574 📞
welcome to vst 👋🏻
Virtual Sales Team – trusted by businesses since 2007 📈
contact us 0800 085 5574 📞
welcome to vst 👋🏻
Virtual Sales Team – trusted by businesses since 2007 📈
contact us 0800 085 5574 📞
welcome to vst 👋🏻
Virtual Sales Team – trusted by businesses since 2007 📈
contact us 0800 085 5574 📞
welcome to vst 👋🏻
Virtual Sales Team – trusted by businesses since 2007 📈
contact us 0800 085 5574 📞
welcome to vst 👋🏻
Virtual Sales Team – trusted by businesses since 2007 📈
contact us 0800 085 5574 📞
welcome to vst 👋🏻
Virtual Sales Team – trusted by businesses since 2007 📈
contact us 0800 085 5574 📞

Virtual Sales Team (VST) have been producing high quality B2B Leads and Appointments for 7 1/2 years, achieving record breaking quarters year on year as UK business confidence returns.

The challenge with any growing company is the ability to ‘future proof’ the business with new technology and improved processes whilst still improving performance and maintaining its small business culture. At VST, as volume and client profile increased, more strain was being put upon the ‘Quality Control’ department to keep up with increased demand. The existing process was designed 5 years ago so it needed updating and streamlining for the future.

VST already had an industry leading QC process, which verified all the information that clients require such as DDI’s, personal email address, contract renewal dates and existing supplier names, as well as confirmation that the opportunity was valid and a firm appointment date was set. Our quality control procedures also extend to verifying appointments 48 hours before the meeting (should the client request this) and even obtaining parking instructions for when the meeting takes place. So, with all this detail to be captured and then forwarded to their clients, whatever process redesign was made, it needed to be reliable and extremely robust.

After recruiting an additional member of staff to the QC Department, the challenge was to streamline and improve the QC process and get to 100% acceptances within 2 months of the new process launching.  Bearing in mind they had to contend with QC’s eye for detail, who usually identified at least one small typo or addition that needed to be captured or amended, the calling team certainly had a big challenge on their hands!

After a couple of weeks of pain and a few minor disputes with Quality Control – not always the most popular members of the team! – everyone was astounded and delighted to see that on week 3 of the new process, the calling team had reached a 100% perfect score with no leads being rejected and sent back… a truly amazing effort from all involved.

A big well done to VST’s QC department and of course the calling team for their patience and accuracy.