Our Experience + Our Expertise = Your Return On Investment

The key to our extensive track record of successful campaigns is in the detail of the planning and ensuring we adopt a true partnership approach. VST firmly believes that the more you put in, the more you’ll get in return.


VST have the skills and experience to deliver a highly successful business-to-business sales campaign, which will achieve your goals and support you in hitting your targets.
As part of the standard VST service, we offer you:

  • A dedicated campaign implementation and marketing managerproviding support and advice on all elements of your campaign.
  • Onsite and offsite trainingour callers are available to visit your offices to gain a true feel for your company, team and products/services.
  • Your own account managerproviding a dedicated point of contact throughout the entire duration of your campaign.
  • Highly professional callersall with a vast amount of previous business experience who do not require scripts.
  • Reportingweekly reporting and team feedback bespoke to your campaign and requirements.
  • Call Recordingall inbound and outbound calls are automatically recorded. This is an extremely helpful tool for staff training and appointment verification purposes.
  • UK only resourcesall our staff are directly employed by VST in the UK, no subcontractors or homeworkers are used.
  • Prospect database sourcingutilising our specialised data agency we gather contacts and knowledge to meet your exact requirements.
  • Corporate telephone preference service (CTPS) all of our data is screened to ensure that companies who have registered not to receive cold calls, don’t.
  • Databases profilingemploying our data expertise and industry/business sector knowledge to accurately target your prospect/customer base.

Our Guarantee

You will not be disappointed!

First and foremost, our guarantee is that you will not be disappointed with the service that we deliver.

Secondly, we guarantee that your prospects will always believe it is your company calling them, not ours. We challenge you to find a prospect that suspected we were an outsourced service when arranging an appointment on your behalf.

And finally, if you’d like a more tangible guarantee, please feel free to speak with one of our sales team, we can definitely guarantee certain results if you are prepared to fully embrace the partnership ethos that we are striving to establish with all of our clients.

Sector Experience

We work across multiple sectors ranging from scientific, telecommunications, events and charities. This includes very complex commercial propositions covering legal and accountancy to more straightforward areas in fire and security and ticket sales.

We have excellent credentials in direct channel marketing, venue booking, facilities management and events. Feel free to ask if we have worked in your particular industry sector. We’ll be very honest about whether our skills match your requirements.

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